Late night talk show on Twitch.
Sketches, clips from twitch, and more.
Twitch Hang and Game.
Ep 4-1 — “Doctor Who Is The Host?”
Playing some Fortnite, Kyle shares one of his newly-patented "horse haikus" and Jesse is less than enthused.
Millennial Falcon
Every generation there comes a generation that the generation before thinks is ruining the generation.
Rey and Han are no exception.
Should Maggie Keep This Jacket Yes/No
Maggie messes with Kyle while playing Fortnite in one of our "Quarantine Special" streams.
Peter Francis Geraci, Space Attorney
Don't wait, call Peter Francis Geraci, Space Attorney.
Proud sponsor of 'Tatooine Tonight'.
“Oscar The Grouch” Nigthcap
For this 8-Bit Nightcap, L8-Bit tries something a little different with an old Sesame Street toy Kyle's Ma gave him.
“It’s Not Easy Being Kylo Ren”
Boy Meets Robot plays an acoustic version of "It's Not Easy Being Kylo Ren" at 'Tatooine Tonight'.
Check out the full band (R.O.B. included!) recording from Boy Meets Robot HERE.
GOLLUM as JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson
Gollum reflects on The Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Rise of Skywalker.
You get it.
Tune in!
Comic-Con 2019
The L8-Bit Show goes to San Diego Comic-Con 2019.