Honestly, i wish i was u rn listening to this episode for the first time, you lucky duck.
Questions include: not liking your boyfriend's beard, sibling-themed couples halloween costumes, and your wife sleeping in the raw.
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Produced by Maggie Smith, Kyle Mantegna, Alex Romero, Mariah Michael, Clark Pavlik. Narrated by Beth Kuhn, Theme Music by Kyle Mantegna & Maggie Smith, Edit Kyle Mantegna
REDDIT: I don’t like my bf’s beard.
Also, I love him regardless of everything so I'm not THAT bothered, but still a little bit.
Okay so let me paint a picture for you. He looks stunning, he has the best facial features I have ever seen, perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect lips - I'm jealous. But I feel like the way he keeps his beard takes away from everything that's gorgeous on his face.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against beards, just the unkept ones. He says he doesn't really care and will do whatever I'd want him to do. But there's one thing I don't like is someone dictating how I keep myself, so I try to respect the same morals for him too. I would never dictate how he keeps himself. The problem is that he doesn't "keep" anything. He lets it grow however it wants to, no shaping, no trimming and it looks bad.
I don't wanna say like hey you don't look good when you do that to your beard, cuz I'm afraid it'll hurt him. Hell, if someone told me how I did my hair made me look ugly, I would be upset too.
So what the f*** do I do? Am I petty for thinking that about him? I just want him to put a little bit of an effort in his looks. He doesn't dress up at all. He just has a bunch of black t-shirts and shorts which I guess is fine, whatever. I guess dressing up is really a girl's thing. Beard is like make up for men. It can really define how your face looks. And I love him regardless but I still want him to look presentable.
What do I do?
DEAR ABBY: My wife sleeps in the raw. Then she showers, brushers her teeth and fixes breakfast -- still in the buff. We're newlyweds and there are just the two of us, so I suppose there's really nothing wrong with it. What do you think? -ED
REDDIT: is it weird for a couple in a romantic relationship to go as a sibling couple for Halloween?
From 1960 DEAR ABBY: I am in love with two boys and don't know which one to marry. First, there's Andy. He's sort of blond and sells insurance. Mama likes him, which helps a lot. He's very reliable and seems anxious to get married. Then there's Tony. He's dark and sort of gives me the creeps. (But they're awfully nice creeps, if you know what I mean.) I don't know which one I like best. In the daytime I like Andy, but I believe I like Tony better at night. Which one do you think would make the best husband for me? -ANDY OR TONY?