A surprise Jedi stops by the show.
Questions include:
Why does my partner keep acting like a Clone Trooper?
How do I get out of watching Clone Wars?
What's Han Solo's favorite cookie?
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Produced by Maggie Smith, Kyle Mantegna, Alex Romero, Mariah Michael, Clark Pavlik. Narrated by Beth Kuhn. Theme Music by Kyle Mantegna & Maggie Smith. Edit Kyle Mantegna.
Questions asked:
My boyfriend (26M) is obsessed with the worst show ever: Star Wars the Clone Wars. He forces me (23F) to watch it EVERY DAY.
He forces me to watch it all hours of the day and night. I work 12 hr shifts and barely have any days off, so when I do have a day off, I want to spend it doing my own shit, not watching this shit. I don’t even have time to take a shit during these times. This idiot didn’t even know that the Hutts are hermaphrodites, yet he tries to call himself a “Star Wars” fan. Honestly, I think I should dump him. He also is unnecessarily obsessed with Cad Bane, the ugliest character.
What do you think I should do?
My [19f] boyfriend [26m] recently made Star Wars his whole identity and I feel sidelined and don’t know what to do.
We’ve been dating for about 2 years now and things are pretty amazing other than what I’m about tell you about. He's the man I see in my future.
Due to him being unemployed and me working from home we both have been at home much more. To help pass the time he decided as per my recommendation (which I now greatly regret) to watch the Star Wars movies. After finishing the series, he really liked it and began to read about the lore and watch all the extra tv shows like the clone wars and so on. I think at this point, he is on his third run through the series.
At first I was excited for his new passion but it seems that he’s become obsessed with becoming a clone trooper from Star Wars. Here’s just a few things that are starting to worry me:
-He keeps repeating “good soldiers follow orders” any time we have an argument -Hes spending a ridiculous amount of our money on replica clone trooper armour and merchandise from Amazon -He keeps referring to our bedroom as “the barracks” and our bed as “his bunk” -He used to have beautiful long hair but recently cut it to short because “it’s not clone army regulation” -He won’t wear anything except white -Every time he holds something he holds it like he’s holding a laser rifle
I’m really worried about him and our future together. I don’t know how much more I can take of this and I feel like he’s lost his real identity. Any help or advice ?
Dating someone who likes a different Star Wars trilogy?
Hey guys. So I’ve been talking with this person for quite a while now and the inevitable happened. They asked me which Star Wars trilogy I liked. So naturally, I didn’t lie. I told them I liked the prequels and they immediately started a fight for the sequels. It’s pretty easy for me to not hold grudges most of the time but they don’t understand the references I make to the prequels and that’s my type of humor. I’m not sure if I can just let all my jokes go over their head while they argue with me about Star Wars continuously. It was a pretty heated argument earlier. What should I do?
What order should I watch the Star Wars movies?
Do wookies shed?
I just got a corgi and even though they're short, they shed like that's all they were designed for. Did the Millennium Falcon have a team of droids to clean up after Chewbacca?