Call us a baby, folks, cuz this podcast is one year old. Goo goo ga ga, which in baby language, that means thanks for sticking with us through 50 episodes.
Questions include:
What’s the best food to eat before sex?
Why should I take my fiancé’s name?
Is my boyfriend TOO into Star Wars?
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Maggie - Tik Tok
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*** VISIT OUR HOMEPAGE if you like stuff and shit.
Produced by Maggie Smith, Kyle Mantegna, Alex Romero, Mariah Michael, Clark Pavlik. Narrated by Beth Kuhn. Theme Music by Kyle Mantegna & Maggie Smith. Edit Kyle Mantegna.
My boyfriend has an obsession with Star Wars and its affecting our relationship.
So ever since my boyfriend and me have been together (almost 2 years) he’s always talked about star wars. I’ve always been completely fine with it - to me it seemed like a healthy liking but recently I’ve been noticing that he’s starting watching them at night too. I woke up a few days ago and noticed he had been up all night watching some of the films, he literally looked like a zombie by that point. I also noticed he was also sitting too close to the screen.
He also refuses to watch anything else, and the merch is starting to take over our tiny apartment.
Every-time I see him he calls me ‘General kanobe’??
Any advice would be appreciated, i cant go on like this any longer.
Kyle maggie, this is Rolando back at again. I have a question about food and sex life. So I like to cook for people and many times before I have cooked for many gals and later have had sex afterwards, but I have realized much of the food that I know how to make is kind of heavy and not that good for good sex. Is there any food you recommend wage for great sex? Love to hear a response.
I love my GF but I want to be with other girls
Ok so to get you sorta up to speed, Im (19M) and i just moved to a new city 6 months ago as a virgin. I met a girl on tinder (22F) and weve been dating for 6 months now. (shes been with multiple guys) I love her so much and our relationship is solid, but lately ive had this doubt, not about her but about myself. Part of me still wants to experience other girls and not have been with only one my whole life. Im worried if i stay with her it could turn into resentment and ill regret not trying new things in my 20s and basically feel like I missed out. I would never cheat and I dont really believe in open relationships, I just wish i met her in my 30s so id have the experience to know how I truly felt. I feel selfish but I also think having these thoughts the rest of my life with her are dangerous and unfair to her.
Any advice/perspectives (preferably female because ive asked my male friends) would be helpful thank you
My fiance wants me to change my name to what HE wants
Hi Reddit. I, (23f) have been dating my fiance (23m) for seven years. We have been living together for 4 years and have a dog together. We were officially engaged 2 years ago, but due to covid we have only now started planning the wedding. I've never wanted to change my name. I like my name, and my family is important to me. I jokingly suggested he take my name, and it upset him greatly, so I knew this would be a touchy subject. He comes from a very traditional family,and while he is usually open minded, some things upset him, like this. When the name change came up, I suggested I take a hyphenated name. He immediately vetoed that. Finally after a lot of back and forth he finally snapped that as the man, he shouldn't have to change his name at all, it's traditional that I take his name, and why do I even want to marry him since I hate his name so much? I said no, I don't hate your name. But it's unfair to only change mine. If I change my name to your name, which I'm fine with, I just want to keep some of my family with me. He said that shows that I'm not committed to him,and he's been upset and moody and won't talk to me for the last 24 hours. What do I do?